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Eclectic of otherness

Project title: Eclectic of Otherness
Abbreviation: EoO
Project duration: February 1st, 2023 to January 31st, 2025
Project Coordinator: Heartefact (RS)
Partners: Arterarij (CRO), El Vaiven (FR)

EoO represents a partnership initiative of three cultural organisations from Serbia, Croatia, and France. It is dedicated to exploring identity tensions between Us and Them, insiders and outsiders, those we think belong, and those who are not part of that privilege. 

EoO represents a partnership initiative of three cultural organisations from Serbia, Croatia, and France. It is dedicated to exploring identity tensions between Us and Them, insiders and outsiders, those we think belong, and those who are not part of that privilege. Trough the dissection of identity as an intimate zone of conflict, both microscopic and personal, as well as global and public, EoO uncovers and respects the challenges faced by the unknown, strangers, outsiders, immigrants, newcomers, and refugees on difficult paths to safety and freedom. It presents the challenges encountered in navigating new lives and identities. Throughout the project’s duration, creative labs, artistic residencies, and public presentations are planned to support the artistic creation process, involving up to 50 creative professionals. Three theater performances, each exploring the theme, perspective, and origin of “otherness” within a specific contex, are also part of the project.  The Festival of Otherness will be organized in each country, featuring performances created during the project. Additionally, a campaign will focus on workers in the arts and culture, offering testimonies about what it’s like to be a “stranger” or “Other” engaging with a wider audience in a dialogue about our multidimensional European identity.